Tour e Degustazione Prodotti Tipici Nella Tenuta Porto Di Mola

Tours and Tastings

Wine and Vineyard Tour


What to aspect?

When you’ll arrive in our winery, first of all you have a walk on the vineyards with our staff. Here you can get first insights about the wine making process.

Then you move in the winery where we show you everything about our wines and all the stages of processing and production.

Later we start the wine tasting and we also serve a typically selection of cheese, charcuteries, bruschette, pizza, salads, lentils and whatever we have in the season. It’s not a proper lunch but there will be enough food to call it a lunch.

We set the wine tasting as a chilling moment.
Our staff will serve you the wine, explaining all characteriscts and then they will leave you alone in order to enjoy the moment with your family and friends.

There’s no timetable to respect, so you’ll have all the time you want to relax, take a walk and enjoy our wine.

  • Guided tour of the vineyards (on request)
  • Guided tour of the cellar (production)
  • Wine tasting of your choice and chopping board with typical local products

*For groups of more than 5 people, reservations must be made at least 48 hours before the tour.



all year round


about 3 and a half hours


30€ adult /
free child up to 10 years


from 09:00 to 18:00


for the whole family


Request Information


    • *Seleziona il numero di persone*

      *Seleziona il numero di bambini ( 7 - 12 anni)*

      *Seleziona il numero di bambini ( 0 - 6 anni )*

      Spunta qui se si tratta di un regalo

      Sarà possibile comunicare in futuro la data del tour.

      *Selezionare giorno della prenotazione

      *Selezionare l'ora d'arrivo*

      *Inserire evenutali intolleranze alimentari*

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